
SugarCRM Querying Database

In SugarCRM, using SOAP API, imagining i have lots of accounts populated in the database, and i want to find the account that has 'phone_work' = '00352254856987'. How can i make a query to accomplish that? It would be something like this:?

    $query = "phone_work = '${myPhone}'";

For what i have tried, it seems the compiler finds an error in the XML document, which means the query is not well executed. What is the best way to do this kind of queries?

I'm using magento and creating a module to connect to sugar, so it is PHP


  • It turned out the field 'phone_work' is wrong. You can access at: and get all the fields related to that module. In the module 'Accounts', the field name is called 'office phone', but in the database, the name is 'phone_office'. Because the query is for the database, we need to use database field names.