
Document management system using Google Cloud Storage

I am currently working on different aspect Google App Engine and still in study phase and build some small apps and deployed it on cloud. Recently when i was installing a command line to for cloud storage(i.e. gsUtil) I encountered versioning support on cloud storage and was able to retrieve old objects or deleted objects through gsUtil . So building a document management system on GAE is good idea with Google cloud storage or I should be using Google drive SDK ?

Please guide me on this problem .

Thanks in advance


  • Completely different products for completely different use cases.

    Google Cloud Storage is a storage on cloud, no more abstractions. If you want to build a document management system from scratch, you can prefer it as the storage provider.

    If you build an app on the top of Google Drive, you inherit a file system abstraction, user management, a permissions model and etc. But you don't own the users, neither their drives. Additionally, Drive's quota management is fined tuned for "per-user" usage. Most people think creating a single Drive account and logically share it among their users on the application level will work. It's unlikely to scale due to the quota limitations.