
Why is a modal/modeless dialog called modal/modeless?

I always have trouble remembering whether the modal or modeless dialog is the one blocking operations in other parts of the application.

Does anyone know why they are called that way?


  • With a modal dialog, you set your application in a particular mode (a different "state" if you will), whereby only actions pertaining to that "mode" are accepted, hence preventing UI actions outside of the dialog.

    At Andreas' prompting I thought I may have to dig dusty Windows API books, as often, the etymology/origin of a word or expression that has became broadly accepted is only found in early documentation, but in fact we still see this referenced in an online glossary from MS. The Modal entry reads (emphasis is mine):
    Restrictive or limited interaction due to operating in a mode. Modal often describes a secondary window that restricts a user's interaction with the owner window. See also: modeless.