
c++ qt QObject:: connect: No such slot

I have defined my slot like this:

void choixPoints:: prendpixel1(Pixel depart)

and I want to execute the following sentence:

Pixel depart= picmou->define(); //definition of a pixel, well defined 
connect(chp3, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(prendpixel1(Pixel depart)));

However when I execute I obtain:

QObject::connect: No such slot choixPoints::prendpixel1(Pixel depart)

Why doesn't my slot work?


  • I think the problem is that in your SLOT definition you put a variable name "depart" in, which is not correct. The SLOT and SIGNAL definitions must only have the function name and types. So:

    connect(chp3, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(prendpixel1(Pixel)));

    BTW I think it is also space sensitive, so SLOT(anotherfn(Pixel, Pixel)) would also be wrong.
