
Looking for U2.NET Toolkit equivalent for FMT function

In UniBasic, I can use the FMT function with a format spec like '30T', to insert Text Marks at appropriate places in a long string (think Remarks/Comments). I don't see the equivalent in the U2.NET Toolkit.

I know I could create a UniBasic subroutine, and call it from C# - but I'd prefer not to.

Restatement of the core issue: in a SQL Server table, I have a text column (arbitrarily large, not a blob); I would like this to end up in a multi-valued field in a Unidata record, with MV marks every 30-ish characters (i.e., similar to 30T formatting). To minimize server trips, I'd like it to be handled in C#.

I've seen various ways to handle word-wrap, so I can probably manage that - but first I'd like to make sure the formatting capabilities of Unidata aren't "hiding" somewhere in U2.NET Toolkit?


  • Just so this gets marked as answered, I'll repeat from the comments, above: no, the FMT function doesn't currently exist in U2.NET Toolkit.