
In transaction NACE, is it possible to find out the print program and form routine, if i know the name of the Smartform?

I want to find out the name of the Print Program, and the name of the subroutine (form) that prints my SmartForm.

Now luckily in NACE (Conditions for Output Control), one can "kinna" figure out the application and the output type by oneself, and then the print program is obviously written there.

So what about if one wouldn't know what application and Output Type, and would have to check all applicatios and output types manually? isn't there an easier way to do this?


  • The table TNAPR contains some print program -> script links, search for your smartform name in field SFORM. This is by no means an exhaustive list, however.


    Do a "where used" search for "SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME", which will give you a list of all smartform calling programs. You'd still need to go through it manually, but you might find a suitably matching program description or similar.