
Where can I find an iText xml reference?

I am evaluating the use of RazorPDF as our reporting solution. For some reason, I cannot find any iText XML reference, beside a few examples. There are plenty of example for the Java or C# API, but nothing regarding the XML itself.

Does such reference exists or do I have to figure it our from the examples?


  • Please read Where can I find itext.dtd?

    I'm the original developer of iText and I'm also the one who once upon a time, long ago, wrote the DTD for the iText XML files. That was even before XSD existed, so it's a really long time ago!

    Support for this DTD has been removed from iText (I believe that was about when my first book was released in 2006) in favor of other ways to convert XML to PDF. It's very surprising to see that obsolete XML appear in something called RazorPDF.

    In any case: I'm the CEO of the iText group, responsible for iText and iTextSharp, and I don't know anything about RazorPDF. I'm pretty sure RazorPDF uses a mighty old version of iText and my answer to this question explains why it shouldn't: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25696851/can-itext-2-1-7-or-earlier-can-be-used-commercially