
declaring a priority_queue in c++ with a custom comparator

I'm trying to declare a priority_queue of nodes, using bool Compare(Node a, Node b) as the comparator function (which is outside the node class).

What I currently have is:

priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, Compare> openSet;

For some reason, I'm getting Error: "Compare" is not a type name

Changing the declaration to priority_queue <Node, vector<Node>, bool Compare>

gives me Error: expected a '>'

I've also tried:

priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, Compare()> openSet;
priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, bool Compare()> openSet;
priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, Compare<Node, Node>> openSet; 

How should I correctly declare my priority_queue?


  • Note - You may also want to check other answers, especially the one with decltype and lambda

    You should declare a class Compare and overload operator() for it like this:

    class Foo
    class Compare
        bool operator() (Foo, Foo)
            return true;
    int main()
        std::priority_queue<Foo, std::vector<Foo>, Compare> pq;
        return 0;

    Or, if you for some reasons can't make it as class, you could use std::function for it:

    class Foo
    bool Compare(Foo, Foo)
        return true;
    int main()
        std::priority_queue<Foo, std::vector<Foo>, std::function<bool(Foo, Foo)>> pq(Compare);
        return 0;