I would like to enter math formulae in Scaladoc documentation of mathematical Scala code. In Java, I found a library called LatexTaglet that can do exactly this for Javadoc, by writing formulae in Latex: http://latextaglet.sourceforge.net/
And it seems to integrate well with Maven (reporting/plugins section of a POM). Is there an equivalent library for Scaladoc? If not, how could I integrate this library with SBT?
I also considered using MathML (http://www.w3.org/Math/), but looks too verbose. Is there an editor you would recommend? Does MathML integrate well with Scaladoc?
Thank you for your help!
The short answer is: no. LaTeXTaglet is made possible by the JavaDoc Taglet API. There is no equivalent in Scaladoc, therefore no clean solution.
However, I can think of a hack that might be easy enough to do:
There's a library called MathJax, which looks for LaTeX-style math formulae in an HTML page and dynamically renders it in place. I've used it before, it's pretty nice; all you have to do is include the script. So you could do two things:
That way, you could just write LaTeX formulae directly in your Scala comments and they should be rendered in the browser. Of course if you wanted a non-hacky solution, I'd suggest you create a taglet-like API for Scaladoc ;)