Suppose I implement a WCF REST service with the following contract.
interface INotesService
[WebInvoke(Method = "GET",
UriTemplate = "notes/{id}")]
Note GetNote(string id);
[WebInvoke(Method = "GET",
UriTemplate = "notes")]
IEnumerable<Note> GetNotes();
Now, I have an HttpModule in the pipeline to do the authorization, but that code needs to know to which method the request will be dispatched. How do I find the signature of the method that will be invoked by WCF?
Even though the other answer put me on the right path, it did not really answer my question.
I later found this link which gave me a working solution:
However, I found it to be more complex than needed. In .NET 4.5 (which is what I'm on) you can do the following.
I registered my ServiceAuthorizationManager from the ServiceHost.ApplyConfiguration override.
this.Authorization.ServiceAuthorizationManager =
new MyServiceAuthorizationManager();
Then, in its CheckAccessCore method, I called the method below to give me the name of the method to which the request will be dispatched.
private string GetOperationName(OperationContext operationContext)
return messageProperties["HttpOperationName"] as string;