I'm trying to upgade from rails 2.3 to 3.0 and I've found that link_to_remote
in rails 2 should be changed to link_to
in rails 3 with :remote => true
And unobtrusive javascript(UJS) for :before, :loading, :failure, :update
But I also have attributes like :url, :href, :title
how am I supposed to change that ?
Here is the rails 2.3 code I'm trying to upgrade
<%= link_to_remote column.label,
{ :url => sort_params,
:before => "addActiveScaffoldPageToHistory('#{href}', '#{controller_id}')",
:loading => "Element.addClassName('#{column_header_id}','loading');",
:failure => "ActiveScaffold.report_500_response('#{active_scaffold_id}')",
:update => active_scaffold_content_id,
:method => :get },
{ :href => href ,
:title => column.header_info}%>
I've analysed lot of websites and Rails documentation but nothing has specified about these attributes for link_to
You can bind callbacks to remote links in Rails 3, the rest of the attributes can be assigned as options.
link_to column.label,
remote: true,
title: column_header.info,
id: 'my_remote_link',
data: {
href: href,
controller_id: controller_id,
column_header_id: column_header_id,
active_scaffold_id: active_scaffold_id
We'll use the data-attributes for the callbacks.
$('#my_remote_link').bind('ajax:beforeSend, function() {
addActiveScaffoldPageToHistory($('#my_remote_link').data('href'), $('#my_remote_link').data('controller_id'));
See http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax_Events for a description of the different ajaxEvents.