
How to restrict results by price in Google products search API

I've been looking over the web for a way to restrict price range on google search shop API but I wasn't able t find any answer. (Let's say I want products between 20 to 40 $) In the official documentation, it seems to have ne reference to this functionnality (only rank by Price) Neither Here nor Here

Also, I've been looking at this post in stackO but the answer doesnt seem to bring a good solution to the question (he is just stating the technology to use). Is there a way to do so ?

Thank you


  • Add this to URL of your API call.


    It will return products with prices in between 20 and 40 both inclusive.


    And the above query will return products with prices above 20.

    Refer https://developers.google.com/shopping-search/v1/reference-request-parameters#restricting-products