
Can I create 2 itemViewContainers for Marionette's compositeView?

I am implementing a 2 column layout view as shown below:

enter image description here

However it seems that when I define my marionette composite view, only a single itemViewContainer is allowed.

Can I do something like this?

class List.Muse extends Marionette.ItemView
  template: JST["backbone/templates/muses/index"]

class List.Muses extends Marionette.CompositeView
  template: JST["backbone/templates/muses/list"]
  itemView: List.Muse
  itemViewContainer: ".left_col"
  itemViewContainer: ".right_col"

//list template

Essentially I would like to alternate insertion of muses into the 'left' and 'right' column in my list template. Is that possible to define in the composite view?


  • The Marionette view construct that you want to use here is a Layout. You can think of a Layout as an ItemView that has regions built in for rendering sub views into. Something like this is what you are after (in JS. Sorry I don't really know CS):

    List.Muses = Marionette.Layout.extend({
      template: JST["backbone/templates/muses/list"],
      regions : {
        leftColRegion : ".left_col",
        rightColRegion : ".right_col"
      onRender : function () { List.Muse({model : someMuseModel})); List.Muse({model : someOtherMuseModel}));