I have a radio button list and i am binding it with a combination of two column as data text field.BUt it is displaying as system.Byte for data text field.It is working fine on local but on hosting it is not working.I am using Mysql driver3.51 and vb.net
query="SELECT CONCAT (`desc` ,'- ' , `price`) AS `title`,desc FROM `ping`"
db.cmd.CommandText = query
Dim da As New OdbcDataAdapter(query, db.conn)
Dim ds As New DataSet
r.DataSource = ds
r.DataTextField = "title"
r.DataValueField = "desc"
Actually nothing is wrong in above query .Its all about mysql concat function that was causing the problem.I have provided links that will solve the issue. http://techclubdotnet.blogspot.in/