
How to install ie9 (Internet Explorer 9) on Windows 7 despite 80092004 error

Unfortunately, for testing purposes I need to use Internet Explorer 9, and I've followed the MS Answers super helpful trouble-shooting guide, and scoured google, and still not managed to install it.

Also tried IETester, Utilu IE Collection, Triple Booting a trial edition of windows.

All the forums, eventually terminate at "Format disk, reinstall windows" solutions or have no reply. Reinstalling windows is not a viable option!

I'm using Windows 7 Professional x64 Service Pack 1 (Dual booted).

Windows update fails with:

"WindowsUpdate_80092004" "WindowsUpdate_dt000"

:According to "get help with this error". However, if you look at the event logs, it says:


:which is confusing, as it is not the same error. Why, windows, why?

There is a microsoft fix it you can download which cleans up after failed updates (why is this not done automatically by windows update??) and after running it, restarting in safe mode with networking, and installing it directly from a standalone installer, ie9 "installs", but if you run it and click on "help > about" it says its IE8, and then at some point after the computer gets BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) and when it restarts, poof! Its IE8 again.

So, how does one install ie9?


  • I finally found a solution !

    Run cmd.exe as Administrator:

    FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*9.*.mum /c "cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /norestart"


    Tested on:

    Symptoms were: