
How to plot multiple (x,y) series on the same axes with Chaco?

I have several sets of (x,y) data that I'd like to plot as line plots on the same figure. I have no trouble with matplotlib doing this, but I cannot get the same results with Chaco. Code and output are shown below.

My matplotlib-based code looks like this:

for track in tracks:
    xw = np.array(track['xw'])
    yw = np.array(track['yw'])
    plt.plot(xw, yw, 'b-')
    if not plt.gca().yaxis_inverted():

My Chaco-based code looks like this:

for track in tracks:
    x = np.array(track['xw'])
    y = np.array(track['yw'])
    plot = create_line_plot((x,y), color='blue', width=1.0)
    plot.origin = 'top left'
    if track == tracks[0]:

My matplotlib-based output looks like this:


My chaco-based output looks like this:

Chaco figure


  • The problem with my Chaco-based code above was that I was using an OverlayPlotContainer (container). Because of this, each plot (from create_line_plot) was being drawn with its own axes rather than each plot being drawn on the same set of axes. The following works:

        pd = ArrayPlotData()
        plot = Plot(pd)
        for ii, track in enumerate(tracks):
            x = np.array(track['xw'])
            y = np.array(track['yw'])
            x_key = 'x'+str(ii)
            y_key = 'y'+str(ii)
            pd.set_data(x_key, x)
            pd.set_data(y_key, y)
            plot.plot((x_key, y_key), color='blue', origin='top left')

    New Chaco figure