
Can't Display different Database

Select a specific database named contoseRetailDW based on the list of different database in Peformance Point Dashboard application.

The servername is correct but unfortunately a list of different database don't display. What am I missing in order to display different database

Background info:
I'm using a the role as administrator that is based on windows authenfication. I'm using SharePoint BI enterprize and Windows Server.

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • I see that you are trying to create a new Data Source in PerformancePoint.

    The selection that you have checked in the screenshot is a "Standard Connection". The intent of this is to use an SSAS Multidementional datasource. From your other screenshots it looks like you are just trying to connect to a database engine i.e. A Tabular Datasource.

    In PerformancePoint tabular datasources are only compatible with Filters and Scorecards. This is described in an msdn article titled Planning for PerformancePoint data sources