There is a file within the .\jboss-4.2.2.GA\server\default\deploy folder, named "jmx-console.war". I am getting a security vulnerability dealing with this module. How can I tell if our application is using this module. I implemented an open source tool, but I'm not sure how to test whether it's being used.
Nessus vulnerability of High Severity:
JBoss JMX Console Unrestricted Access
If you see that war file in the deploy folder, then most likely your application is using it. That is to say, it is most likely being loaded. It should be fairly easy to test for, assuming you know the HTTP port the JBoss instance is listening on. By default, it is 8080 so point your browser to http://[your jboss host]:8080/jmx-console and see if the console comes up, keeping in mind that it might be password protected, and your HTTP port might not be 8080.
You should also see something like this in the server.log or configured equivalent:
11:52:30,165 INFO main [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jmx-console, warUrl=.../deploy/jmx-console.war/
Having said that, there's a couple of ways I can think of that would indicate or cause the jmx-console to not be deployed:
Bottom line is, the easiest way would be to find the http port, then hit the jmx-console URL and see if it responds, or check the log file. It is conceivable that someone could rename jmx-console.war to something else (in an ill-conceived attempt to hide it perhaps ?) in which case, you would need to execute a battery of http request scans and try and find a jmx-console signature, but that's out of my (otherwise quite large...) area of expertise.