
Bluetooth 4.0 / Smart / Low energy on Samsung Galaxy S3

I'm trying to develop a bluetooth 4.0 app for S3. The problem is, the phone behaves like it doesn't even have bluetooth 4.0. It doesn't discover 4.0 devices, and isn't discoverable with 4.0 devices. I tried both in the settings of the phone and in an app, using the Broadcom-ble API. The Broadcom API doesn't have any extra functionality for finding/discovering 4.0 devices, rather it uses the regular BluetoothAdapter functionality and claims that it will be augmented in 4.0 phones to also discover 4.0 devices.

Has anybody tried using bluetooth 4.0 on the S3? Has anyone succeeded in using the Broadcom API?

Thanks in advance.


  • A beta for Samsung BLE SDK has been released here. I am going to study this SDK and hopefully it solves some of my problems.