I need a simple php function to mimic an Ajax form submission - basically in the form there is a radio button "ajax" and it is either set to yes or no. I just need to mimic successful/failing ajax calls...
<label for="">Ajax Success*<input type="radio" name="ajax" id="yes" value="yes" checked>Yes<input type="radio" name="ajax" id="no" value="no">No</label>
$ajax = $_POST["ajax"];
if(isset($_POST['ajax'] == "yes")) {
echo "success";
} else {
echo "failure";
if I remove the isset, I get an 'undefined index' error, if I put it in I get a syntax error but it looks correct to me...
I just need to send back an echo depending on what option is selected for the input 'ajax'
isset($_POST['ajax'] == "yes")
doesn't make sense. You want to check if it's set, and then check if its value is equal to "yes
if(isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax'] == "yes") {
echo "success";
} else {
echo "failure";