I have a field which displays "To : NAME". Here "To" is static and "NAME" is a variable. So I have used a single Text Field attr and "To: " + $F{name} as an expression. Now, the problem is, I have to use two separate fonts for "To" and "Name". I've tried using style but I must be missing something. Could you please help me out?
N.B : I cannot use static text for "To" and text field for "name" field as horizontal alignment for these has to be center being together.
ok, I'm able to achieve this modifying the jasper xml in the following way -->
<reportElement x="36" y="192" width="329" height="16"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle" markup="styled">
<font size="10"/>
<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["<style fontName='ChronicleTextG1_Italic'>To: </style><style fontName='ChronicleTextG1_Roman'>" + $F{TO_NAME} + "</style>"]]></textFieldExpression>
Hope it helps other.