Is it excpetable, or normal to wait 3 hours, 50 minutes and 39.70 seconds to run the below query?
CREATE TABLE ukbm001marketing.CampaignHistory_v2
AddressId int,
CampaignId int,
CampaignTypeId int,
OpenUserId nvarchar(255),
OpenDate datetime,
CloseUserId nvarchar(255),
CloseDate datetime
INSERT INTO ukbm001marketing.CampaignHistory_v2
SELECT a.ContactId,
ukbm001marketing.temp_ContactHistory_grtthn2009_raw a
ukbm001marketing.temp_CampaignCode_raw b ON a.CampaignCode = b.CampaignCode
AND a.ContactDate = b.ContactDate
AND a.Load_Date = b.Load_Date
ukbm001marketing.temp_ContactCodes_raw c ON a.ContactCode = c.ContactCode;
Tables used in the query:
has 565,832 rowsukbm001marketing.temp_CampaignCode_raw
has 9505 rowsukbm001marketing.temp_ContactCodes_raw
has 39 rowsI ran this query in the command prompt line.
In the past I have worked with Microsoft SQL Server (set up by my IS Department). I am working on a project of my own and I have the following set up:
Installed Using EasyPHP12.1
Laptop Spec
The system was running at 50% CPU usage.
I have not indexed any of the tables. I have not given the tables any primary keys. Does this issue relate to my system performance? Is it a database design issue? Or does it a setting on the mysql server?
Many thanks in advance for your help.
This is definitely an index issue. You are joining a 565.832 rows counting table on 3 fields to a 9505 table without using any indexes. This will give you a full table scan on both tables, meaning that the server will indeed have to get all of those 565832 from disk (-> slooow) and match them in memory.
Given the limited info you gave, I don't think you have done any MySQL optimalisation meaning that your join_buffer_size will be rather small. This will result in even more table scans, as MySQL will not be able to store everything in the buffer. So your 8Gb of ram will not do you any good if you do not instruct MySQL to actually use it.
So basically, create a multi-colum index on the campaigncode, contactdate and load_date fields on both the 'a' and 'b' table, and add an index on the contactcode field of the 'a' and 'c' table.
Depending on the table structure (definitely when the b or c table contain a lot of other fields that are not listed here), you might even considder adding the campaigncodeid field to the index on the 'b' table and the campaignid to the index on the 'c' table. This way, MySQL will be able to use the index to retrieve all the data, and will not need to access the actual data table to retrieve the two fields. Obviously, the penalty is that your index will be larger. Combined with some MySQL tuning, you could keep the indexes in memory, speeding the whole thing up even more.