I have successfully created a single thread using CreateThread().
Now I want to create 'n' number of threads but each with a different ThreadProc().
I have tried the following code but using it, 'n' number of threads are created all performing the same task (since Threadproc() function af all threads is same.)
//Start the threads
for (int i=1; i<= max_number; i++)
CreateThread( NULL, //Choose default security
0, //Default stack size
//Routine to execute. I want this routine to be different each time as I want each thread to perform a different functionality.
(LPVOID) &i, //Thread parameter
0, //Immediately run the thread
&dwThreadId //Thread Id
Is there any way I can create 'n' number of Threads each with a different Thread procedure?
Try this:
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc1( LPVOID lpParameter)
return 0 ;
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc2( LPVOID lpParameter)
return 0 ;
THREADPROCFN fntable[4] = {ThreadProc1, ThreadProc2, ...} ;
//Start the threads
for (int i = 0; i < max_number; i++)
DWORD ThreadId ;
CreateThread( NULL,
) ;
This will start max_number threads with different thread procedures (TreadProc1, ThreadProc2, etc.) as defined in fntable.