I just got an Email this morning saying my Application (Fuel+) is Ready for Sale. So I "Rushed" to my iPhone and typed Fuel+ in the App Store Search to not find my Application not there. Why is my App in iTunes Connect Preview but not in the App Store Search Menu. (This is my first App in the App Store.)
It takes a while (less than a day) for the App Store to index your application in the search engine.
Also, app listings on the app store are ranked based on popularity (number of downloads, number of ratings, etc.)
Seeing that you are using a very common term "fuel" in your app name, and that yours is a new application, your app could possibly be appearing at the end of the list, and there are 900 applications in that list in total.
It would be a good idea to use a name that isn't a common dictionary term to improve the visiblity of your application. Otherwise, you would always lose out in search results to over 100 applications that have been in the market for a while and has acquired a high number of downloads.