
How to play .ts files (video/MP2T media type) in Browser?

I have one .m3u file that points to several .ts files (all in akamai).

Because we give to akamai a live stream, they convert it to these .ts files each of 10s. I see that the m3u files are easy to understand, but I can't find a browser based (flash, html5 or native plugin) player for these files.

If I give to vlc the link of the m3u file, vlc plays all the .ts files one after another as if it where only one big file. I want to use flash or something similar to be able to play in browser, the same way vlc can play those .m3u files.

Is this possible ?


  • You are basically talking about Apple's HLS format. You can use an html5 object in your web page. You can use flash plugin. You can use jwplayer. There are more choices (e.g. flowplayer).