
Changing a links href after click with jQuery

I am trying to create a link that when clicked on, switches its href attribute, and then goes to that location.

My html is:

<a href="http://google.com" rel="group" data-wpurl="http://yahoo.com"></a>

When clicked, I would like the browser to go to the data-wpurl location, not href location. The reason I am using a data attribute is because of the application I am using requires use of the href...not relevant here.

My jQuery is:

$('a[rel="group"]').on('click', function(e) {
      var wpurl = $(this).attr("data-wpurl");
      $(this).attr('href', wpurl);

I am using e.preventDefault(); to prevent the browser from taking the user to the href. After the data attribute is assigned to the href, how do I then trigger a click? Using trigger('click') and click(); do not work!

Any ideas?


  • It would be easier to just change the location immediately:

    location.href = $(this).data('wpurl');