
Sorting an array by number of times an object appears in that array

I'm lost in a sea of sort descriptors, dictionaries, and counted sets. Hoping someone can help me find an easier way.

Starting with a sorted array like this (of NSNumbers):


I want to end up with a sorted array of dictionaries that looks like this:

{'5','6'} //the number 5 appeared 6 times
{'2','4'} //the number 2 appeared 4 times
{'7','3'} //the number 7 appeared 3 times
{'3','1'} //the number 3 appeared 1 time


  • Here is a snippet that does what you are after, based on NSCountedSet

    NSArray *numbers = @[@7,@7,@7,@5,@5,@5,@5,@5,@5,@3,@2,@2,@2,@2];
    NSCountedSet *countedSet = [NSCountedSet setWithArray:numbers];
    NSMutableDictionary *result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    for (NSNumber *num in countedSet) {
        NSUInteger c = [countedSet countForObject:num];
        [result setObject:@(c) forKey:num];