
How to config Single node for Single Cluster (Standalone Cluster) ElasticSearch

I installed elastic search in my local machine, I want to configure it as the only one single node in the cluster(Standalone Server). it means whenever I create a new index, it will only available to my server. It will not be accessible to other's server.

My current scenario these indexes are available to other servers (the servers are formed in a cluster), and they can make any changes to my indexes. But I don't want it.

I went through some other blogs but not getting best solution. So can you please let me know steps for same?


  • I ve got the answer from http://elasticsearch-users.115913.n3.nabble.com/How-to-isolate-elastic-search-node-from-other-nodes-td3977389.html.

    Kimchy : You set the node to local(true), this means it will not discover other nodes using network, only within the same JVM.

    in elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch.yml file

    node.local: true # disable network

    Updated for ES 7.x

    in elasticsearch.yml

    discovery.type: single-node

    and make sure you have cluster.initial_master_nodes off

    # cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node-1", "node-2"]

    credited to @Chandan.