I got a very strange problem. I am trying to read the result of a command I am executing. The code never reaches the println-Statement. It is just "hanging up" the program, if the end of the output is reached. No failure and no exception.
My project is a mix of Scala and Java. So it doesn't matter in which language the solution is. I tried in both. The encoding of my project is Cp1252.
Here is my code
var fileScript = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(PathOfScript)
var isr:InputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(fileScript.getInputStream())
var in = new BufferedReader(isr)
var line:String = ""
try {
while ({line = in.readLine(); line!= null}) {
println("line: "+line)
println("OUTSIDE !!!");
That's strange... my Java version works just fine:
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("c:\\anyfile"));
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(isr);
String line = "";
try {
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println("line: "+line);
System.out.println("OUTSIDE !!!");
} catch (Exception ex) {
I think that the problem is in fileScript: if it gives a stream and doesn't close it, you'll never get a null in the while loop. Check that part. Try with a regular file (like I did in my example). If it works, the problem is surely in the fileScript object.