
Shipping app with a video/x-flv decoder

I have an application that needs to play video/x-flv files. Not all customers have codecs installed, and codecs for video/x-flv are not shipped with Windows, so I have to ship it with my app.

The problem is I can't manage to understand what I need to ship in order to enable video/x-flv decoding on a fresh computer, which didn't install any codec packs.

I've tried installing ffdshow and FLVSplitter, but without luck.

Installing the Combined Community Codec Pack works - but I don't want to ship my app with a full codec pack, but with the minimum required to decode video/x-flv.

Any ideas?


  • Gabest'sFLVSplitter is not longer supported on Windows 7 systems.

    There are two solutions:

    1. Install the LAV Filters.
    2. Compile your own tiny binary of libavformat (in case your framework using a binary as it's backend).

    Because the LAV Filters themselves are ~7MB, and CCCP is ~9MB, I decided to install the whole codec pack on the users' computer (with their approval, of course).