
UIButton TouchUpInside/TouchUpOutside not always called?

I have a UISwipeGestureRecognizer that animates accordingly to which UIButton is highlighted at the time of the gesture, it finishes the animation when the UIButton calls TouchUpInside/TouchUpOutside. This works fine for a downward swipe gesture on my UIButton but for some reason when I try a upward swipe (on another UISwipeGestureRecognizer), it doesn't run the function. (yes it is the same UIButton) This is what I did in viewDidLoad:

    [myButton addTarget:self action:@selector(myAction) forControlEvents:(UIControlEventTouchUpInside|UIControlEventTouchUpOutside)];

For the action I just used:

    -(void) myAction{
    //Do whatever I want to do, in this case finish the animation.

None of the code that I run for the swipe gesture should even effect the UIButton, so I guess I'm wondering if anyone has any idea what I could be doing wrong here?

Edit: It seems like the problem is that when I drag upwards too fast the button loses the "focus" (the highlight), therefore TouchUpInside/TouchUpOutside aren't getting called, but when I drag downwards at any speed the UIButton stays highlighted the entire time, anyway to fix this? (see GIF) Watch the highlight end before the mouse leaves the button, then when I do it again, but slower it works fine...


  • I've fixed it! (Finally, pretty stupid of me) The reason TouchUpInside/TouchUpOutside didn't get called was because I forgot to add


    For all my gesture recognizers, thanks anyway everyone.