
Revert Column and Row Yii TbExtendedGridView

I'm displaying a simple table containing two headers 'variable' and 'value', The display would look like:

Variable| Value
entry1| value1
entry2| value2

How do revert the columns and rows to make it look like

Variable  | entry1 | entry2
Value     | value1 | value2

My current code:

$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
    'afterSortableUpdate' => 'js:function(id, position){ console.log("id: "+id+", position:"+position);}',
    'type'=>'striped bordered',
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'columns' => array(                
           'filter'=>CHtml::listData(Study::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'variable_name'),


  • Reading the documentation, there isn't one way to change from row to columns or vice and versa.

    YiiBooster Reference

    Class reference of CGridView

    So, what you should do is, create a GridView without header or use the public property of CGridView hideHeader that allow you to hide the headers, anyway, you have to change the data to display with 3 columns instead of 2.

    Change from:

    $data[0][0] = 'entry1';
    $data[0][1] = 'value1';
    $data[1][0] = 'entry2';
    $data[1][1] = 'value2';
    $gridDataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($data);
    // $gridColumns with header
    $gridColumns = array(
        array('name'=>'variable', 'header'=>'Variable'),
        array('name'=>'value', 'header'=>'Value'),
    $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView', array(


    $data[0][0] = 'Variable';
    $data[0][1] = 'entry1';
    $data[0][2] = 'value1';
    $data[1][0] = 'Value';
    $data[1][1] = 'entry2';
    $data[1][2] = 'value2';
    $gridDataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($data);
    $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView', array(