
How to validate if a signed jar contains a timestamp?

After a jar is signed and the -tsa option was used, how can I validate that the time stamp was included? I tried:

jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs myApp.jar

But the output does not specify anything about the time stamp. I'm asking because even if I have a typo in the -tsa URL path, the jarsigner succeeds. This is the GlobalSign TSA URL: and the server behind it apparently accepts any path (ie., so in the end I'm not really sure my jar is time stamped or not.


  • Just spent the last 2 hours looking for this issue and finally found a way to identify whether a jar file actually has time stamp information in the Signature Block file included. I could see the GlobalSign certifcate in the hexeditor of the /META-INF/FOO.DSA file, but I did not find any tool which would print out the information you need.

    You can rename the FOO.DSA file to foo.p7b to open it in the Windows CertMgr, but it does also not show any time stamp information. I also did not manage to use OpenSSL to verify the DSA file (It's PKCS#7 file format).

    So I came up with the following code which will show the Time Stamp SignerInfo and the date when the Timestamp was created. I hope it is a good start for you. You need bcprov-jdk16-144.jar, bctsp-jdk16-144.jar and bcmail-jdk16-144.jar in the classpath. Get them from Bouncycastle

    package de.mhaller.bouncycastle;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
    import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
    import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEREncodable;
    import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.Attribute;
    import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.AttributeTable;
    import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PKCSObjectIdentifiers;
    import org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSException;
    import org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSSignedData;
    import org.bouncycastle.cms.SignerId;
    import org.bouncycastle.cms.SignerInformation;
    import org.bouncycastle.cms.SignerInformationStore;
    import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
    import org.bouncycastle.tsp.TSPException;
    import org.bouncycastle.tsp.TimeStampToken;
    import org.bouncycastle.tsp.TimeStampTokenInfo;
    public class VerifyTimestampSignature {
        private static boolean found;
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            if (args == null || args.length != 1) {
                System.out.println("usage: java " + VerifyTimestampSignature.class.getName()
                        + " [jar-file|dsa-file]");
            BouncyCastleProvider provider = new BouncyCastleProvider();
            String filename = args[0];
            if (filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".dsa")) {
                InputStream dsa = new FileInputStream(filename);
                printDSAInfos(filename, dsa);
            if (filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
                InputStream jar = new FileInputStream(filename);
                JarInputStream jarInputStream = new JarInputStream(jar);
                JarEntry nextJarEntry;
                do {
                    nextJarEntry = jarInputStream.getNextJarEntry();
                    if (nextJarEntry == null) {
                    if (nextJarEntry.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".dsa")) {
                        printDSAInfos(nextJarEntry.getName(), jarInputStream);
                } while (nextJarEntry != null);
            if (!found) {
                System.out.println("No certificate with time stamp information found in " + filename);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Found at least one time stamp info");
                System.out.println("Note: But it was NOT verified for validity!");
        private static void printDSAInfos(String file, InputStream dsa) throws CMSException,
                IOException, TSPException {
            System.out.println("Retrieving time stamp token from: " + file);
            CMSSignedData signature = new CMSSignedData(dsa);
            SignerInformationStore store = signature.getSignerInfos();
            Collection<?> signers = store.getSigners();
            for (Object object : signers) {
                SignerInformation signerInform = (SignerInformation) object;
                AttributeTable attrs = signerInform.getUnsignedAttributes();
                if (attrs == null) {
                            .println("Signer Information does not contain any unsigned attributes. A signed jar file with Timestamp information should contain unsigned attributes.");
                Attribute attribute = attrs.get(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_aa_signatureTimeStampToken);
                DEREncodable dob = attribute.getAttrValues().getObjectAt(0);
                CMSSignedData signedData = new CMSSignedData(dob.getDERObject().getEncoded());
                TimeStampToken tst = new TimeStampToken(signedData);
                SignerId signerId = tst.getSID();
                System.out.println("Signer: " + signerId.toString());
                TimeStampTokenInfo tstInfo = tst.getTimeStampInfo();
                System.out.println("Timestamp generated: " + tstInfo.getGenTime());
                found = true;