
How to make a path relative in the vmargs?

In my project I have an eclipse cdo-server which is set up as described here: .

My project structure is like this:

-cdo-server plugin
 |- config folder with cdo-server.xml
 |- pom.xml

When I start my cdo-server.product as Eclipse application everything works fine.

When I build it and materialize it with Maven, it also has a BUILD SUCCESS. But when I start the which was built with Maven, there is the error:

!MESSAGE CDO server configuration not found:

This is logical, because this is the wrong path. When I enter the absolute path to the cdo-server.xml in the vmargs (-Dnet4j.config=/Users/pathtoCDO-config/cdo-server.xml) it also works. However, I want to make it relative, so that everybody in our git-repo can use it and not only in my folder structure.

Is there any possibility to make this path relative?

With -Dnet4j.config="${resource_loc:/cdo.server/config}" it only works when i run it as an eclipse application, but not as maven built .app file.


Now I can start the file if I take


as path, but then I can only start it with the maven built file and I cannot start it from inside Eclipse anymore...

I've created a new question for this new problem: Slash in property name in pom.xml


  • I just solved my problem in copying my files with Maven copy-resources in this stupid /Users/pathtoCDO-Server/${resource_loc:/cdo.server/config}/cdo-server.xml folder.