I am trying to make a game similar to minesweeper and i need to check the neighbours of a square in the map but i get a syntax error at my for loop, I am using SWI-Prolog
checkneighbours(X,Y) :-
foreach(I in X-1..X+1,
(foreach J in Y-1..Y+1,
( Z=:= "X"
-> vecini(V),
V1 is V+1,
didn't I declare the loops right? or how can I loop between X-1 and X+1?
There are no real loops like that in Prolog. I am also not sure if it is wise to use assert
to dynamically change the fact database (it is usually better to represent your data in a structure). But if you really insist to use a "loop" for its side effects, you should be using forall
?- forall( between(-1,1,X), format('~d~n', [X]) ).