Very new to TSQL...
I have the following table called "tblinit":
Account_Num UserID Task_Percent
----------- ------------ ------------
1 john.smith 0.75
I would like to update the "Task Percent" value in "tblRaw" below.
Account_Num UserID Task_Percent
----------- ------------ ------------
1 john.smith 0.5
2 mary.mickle 0.9
3 don.donalds 1
My plan is to use a TSQL stored procedure executed by a trigger on insert into "tblinit". The stored procedure will move the data into "tblRaw" (either a merge or a delete and insert) and then truncate "tblinit" when the procedure is done. tblInit is only used to stage incoming data.
I have read about SCOPE_IDENTITY
but don't fully grasp the concept. Is the scope defined by the trigger which executes the stored procedure? In attempting my own SELECT statements using SCOPE_IDENTITY
I always return with a "NULL" result. The referenced MSDN article seems to return primary keys that don't correlate to the data specified in the article's example. Clearly I am reading something incorrectly. I want to grab the record that was just inserted and use it in my query.
In essence, how do I update john.smith's new percentage value automatically on insert or, alternatively, how do I add a new record entirely?
how do I update john.smith's new percentage value automatically on insert
This trigger could be used to do exactly that:
create trigger tblinit_to_tblRaw
on tblinit
for insert
update r
set r.Task_Percent = i.Task_Percent
from inserted i
join tblRaw r on i.UserID = r.UserID -- Join on Account_Num instead?
This does not take into account new records (no existing match in tblRaw). For that you might want to run if exists(...
or merge