I have a table of co-occurrence counts stored on s3 (where each row is [key-a, key-b, count]) and I want to produce the co-occurrence probability matrix from it.
To do that I need to calculate the sum of the counts for each key-a, and then divide each row by the sum for its key-a.
If I were doing this "by hand" I would do a pass over the data to produce a hash table from keys to totals (in leveldb or something like it), and then make a second pass over the data to do the division. That doesn't sound like a very cascalog-y way to do it.
Is there some way I can get the total for a row by doing the equivalent of a self-join?
Sample data:
(def coocurrences
[["foo" "bar" 3]
["bar" "foo" 3]
["foo" "quux" 6]
["quux" "foo" 6]
["bar" "quux" 2]
["quux" "bar" 2]])
(require '[cascalog.api :refer :all] '[cascalog.ops :as c])
(let [total (<- [?key-a ?sum]
(coocurrences ?key-a _ ?c)
(c/sum ?c :> ?sum))]
(?<- (stdout) [?key-a ?key-b ?prob]
(div ?c ?sum :> ?prob)
(coocurrences ?key-a ?key-b ?c)
(total ?key-a ?sum)))
bar foo 0.6
bar quux 0.4
foo bar 0.3333333333333333
foo quux 0.6666666666666666
quux foo 0.75
quux bar 0.25