
Extract Title and Description from multiple URLs

I have a list of links that are all articles. I am trying to use PHP to extract the title and the description from all of them at once. I also want the article title to be hyperlink to the URL and the description to be displayed below it in italics.

My issue is this: it works when I do it for one link, but when I try multiple links or even if I duplicate the code and manually paste in each link, it doesn't work. Below is my code that I have that works for one link. Any ideas?

    <a href="">

    function getTitle($Url){
        $str = file_get_contents($Url);
            return $title[1];
    echo getTitle("");

    $tags = get_meta_tags('');
    echo $tags['description'];


  • I assume you mean multiple URLs, then something like this will work. :

    function getTitle($url){
        @$str = file_get_contents($url); // suppressing the warning
            return $title[1];
        } else {
            return false;
    $urls = array('', 'url2');
    foreach($urls as $url)
        $title = getTitle($url);
        if($title === false)
        echo '<a href="' . $url . '"><b>';
        echo $title;
        echo '</b></a><br><i>';
        $tags = get_meta_tags($url);
        echo $tags['description'] . '</i>';