
It is possible to do this kind of conversion with msbuild

It is possible to do this kind of conversion with msbuild? Transforming metadata into items?


   <Group Include="G1">

    <Group Include="G2">

To this:




  • You can use batching:

    This creates the new item groups A abd B based on Group. The new item groups don't have to use the same name as the metadata. Set ItemName in CreateItem/Output to use a different name.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <Group Include="G1">
            <Group Include="G2">
        <Target Name="Default">
            <Message Text="@(Group)" Importance="High" />
            <CreateItem Include="%(Group.A)">
                <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="A" />
            <CreateItem Include="%(Group.B)" AdditionalMetadata="From=%(Group.Identity)">
                <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="B" />
            <Message Text="A=@(A)" Importance="High" />
            <Message Text="B=@(B):%(B.From)" Importance="High" />

    The new "B" group also defines a metadata item called From that gives each item the original item group name it was copied from.

    Update: With msbuild 3.5 or newer you can also use this instead of CreateItem:

        <A Include="%(Group.A)" />
        <B Include="%(Group.B)">