unsigned int HashString( const char *string ) {
const char* p;
unsigned hash = 40503;
for ( p = string; *p != '\0'; ++p ) {
hash += *p;
hash += ( hash << 10 );
hash ^= ( hash >> 6 );
hash += ( hash << 3 );
hash ^= ( hash >> 11 );
hash += ( hash << 15 );
return hash;
Just wandering over their code. I've never seen a hashing function like this before though.
I'm not too seasoned when it comes to bitwise ops, I know how bit shifting and masking works, but only in a rudimentary scenario like checking if bits are set.
What exactly does this do?
Read here for a general overview, and go down for "One-at-a-Time hash" (by Jenkins), which coincides with this one.
Also see this Wikipedia entry, mentioned in this answer.
"how exactly is this a good hash?" Not exactly. Those shifts are a little arbitrary, justified mostly from some heuristics and empirical tests.