
Using jcarousel.js - saving the images and position exactly, after navigation

I am using jcarousel.js plugin to order <ul> list of images in my jQuery Mobile app with carousel affect. Each time I initialize my page the images are different (comes from WS) so after I set them into <ul> I call it like this:

 $('#imagesPageDiv').live('pagebeforeshow', function (e, data) {
                   jQuery('#carouselDiv').jcarousel({ visible: 4, scroll: 2});

It works fine.

Each image have URL to that same big image.The problem occurs when coming back to that same page.

I dont want to set the images from start, want to come back exactly to the same images and the place (image position) before I clicked on it. I set flag, so basically I know when I'm coming back and when I starting it from start. So I tried to save all the page before navigating to the next page, and after coming back append it again to the page:

  globalDivContent = $('#imagesPage #box');

After coming back to that page I appending it:

   $("#imagesPage").append(globalDivContent );

Realy getting the same courosel with the real images and posstion exepct one problem: it doesnt scroll's. The arrows are clickable but aren't doing nothing

I compared the codes when starting the page and coming back to page and it similar. Any ideas how can i implement my idea?

      <!DOCTYPE html>
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />    
                <script src=""></script>
                <script src=""></script>                    
                <script src=""></script>    
                      $('#imagesPage').live('pageshow', function (event, ui) {
                <div data-role="page" id="imagesPage">
                    <div data-theme="b" data-role="header">
                        <h1>Index page</h1>

                    <div data-role="content">
                        <ul id="carouselDiv" class="jcarousel-skin-tango">
                            <li><img src="" width="65" height="65" alt=""/></li>
                            <li><img src="" width="65" height="65" alt=""/></li>
                            <li><img src="" width="65" height="65" alt=""/></li>
                            <li><img src="" width="65" height="65" alt=""/></li>
                            <li><img src="" width="65" height="65" alt=""/></li>
                            <li><img src="" width="65" height="65" alt=""/></li>
                            <li><img src="" width="65" height="65" alt=""/></li>
                            <li><img src="" width="65" height="65" alt=""/></li>
                            <li><img src="" width="65" height="65" alt=""/></li>
                            <li><img src="" width="65" height="65" alt=""/></li>


  • I would advise saving only the information you need, rather than copying the entire div in one go. This would allow you to cherry-pick the data your really need and safely persist it across page loads.

    The best solution for this would be to use local storage. This allows you to save string-to-string values persistently across a site as far back as IE8 (see more information here:

    For example, you could save your data like this:

    localStorage["carouselSource"] = JSON.stringify(
        $('#carouselDiv li img').map(function(i,e){
            return $(this).attr('src');

    and retrieve it like this (before the jCarousel call):

    var items = jQuery.parseJSON(localStorage["carouselSource"]);
    jQuery.each(items, function(i,e){
        $('#carouselDiv').append('<li><img src="' + e + '" width="65" height="65" alt="" /></li>');

    This would ensure that the same set of images are displayed when the user returns to the page. You could use a similar technique to save things like the position of the slider and any other variable data you want to save.