I don't understand why the ifft(fft(myFunction)) is not the same as my function. It seems to be the same shape but a factor of 2 out (ignoring the constant y-offset). All the documentation I can see says there is some normalisation that fft doesn't do, but that ifft should take care of that. Here's some example code below - you can see where I've bodged the factor of 2 to give me the right answer. Thanks for any help - its driving me nuts.
import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack as fftp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def fourier_series(x, y, wn, n=None):
# get FFT
myfft = fftp.fft(y, n)
# kill higher freqs above wavenumber wn
myfft[wn:] = 0
# make new series
y2 = fftp.ifft(myfft).real
# find constant y offset
c = fftp.ifft(myfft)[0]
# remove c, apply factor of 2 and re apply c
y2 = (y2-c)*2 + c
plt.plot(x, y, x, y2)
if __name__=='__main__':
x = np.array([float(i) for i in range(0,360)])
y = np.sin(2*np.pi/360*x) + np.sin(2*2*np.pi/360*x) + 5
fourier_series(x, y, 3, 360)
You are killing the negative frequencies between 0
and -wn
I think what you mean to do is to set myfft
to 0
for all frequencies outside [-wn, wn]
Change the following line:
myfft[wn:] = 0
myfft[wn:-wn] = 0