I'm using OWL API for reasoning over ontology created in Protege. I'm dealing with OWL API Example DL query: http://sourceforge.net/p/owlapi/code/ci/aef6981535f07a2d0d44c394b9f4d5415f36025a/tree/contract/src/test/java/org/coode/owlapi/examples/DLQueryExample.java. I guess that this example provides functionality equivalent to DL Query Tab in Protege. But in fact there are some significant differences: I need to get the information (subclass, superclass, etc.) of an anonymous class, which is defined by a set of individuals (ex {Member1, Member2...}) or in another way. In Protege this query returns correct result, but such query in OWL API Dl Query Example returns [NOTHING]. Is there a way to manipulate anonymous classes in OWL API? Thanks in advance for answering.
Assuming you are using the class DLQueryExample
as such without modifications.
You need to use a different reasoner than the default one. Look at line 151, the implementation uses the structural reasoner built in the OWL-API. This reasoner is limited and not capable of processing complex class expressions as yours.
How to fix it:
Use a more advanced reasoner like Hermit. Download and put the jar on your classpath, then replace the code at line 151 by that:
OWLReasonerFactory reasonerFactory = new Reasoner.ReasonerFactory();
You will need to import the package org.semanticweb.HermiT.Reasoner
. You will now use Hermit to process your queries. Try Pizza and (hasTopping some CheeseTopping)
, it should work!