
Getting started with PCH in a VC++ project

I'm working on a VC++ project in VS 2012 that takes about 8-10 minutes for a full compile. I know PCH can speedup compile times by upto 10x. I have currently disabled PCH in my project and I'm including header files where they are needed. How do I get started with PCH? I've looked everywhere for "how to" guides but all I got is the docs.

I'm assuming I'll have to :

  1. Configure my project for PCH, creating a blank PCH header file
  2. Collect headers from every .cpp file and place it into the PCH header file
  3. Modify every file removing all header imports
  4. Recompile and hope that nothing goes wrong ;)

How do I get started with this (specifically #1)? Have you modified a project to use PCH and what are the stumbling blocks or common problems/issues therein? Can PCH cause any problems or is it just the same compile-time/runtime behaviour as normal includes? Is there a tool to automate the process or do I have to go thru 500 .cpp files by hand and modify it to use PCH?

And last but not least, what is the compilation time speedup I can expect with PCH? Is it 2x-10x? Or would it just go like 30% faster? (which does not justify the time involved)


  • After configuring my project to use PCH, full-compile times were down to half, and incremental builds occurred almost instantly. PCH is a very effective way to speedup compile times, and I highly recommend it.

    Althouh dsharlet mentions many important points, he skips some crucial steps that I had to eventually figure out. So here is the complete guide to configuring your project to use PCH:

    Getting started with PCH in a VC++ project

    1. Backup your src dir and any other directories that contain source code ... (you'll need this in case anything goes wrong)

    2. Create 2 files in your project, Globals.cpp and Globals.h .. (choose any name but stick to it)

    3. Right click Globals.cpp and open Properties, choose Configuration > All configurations

    4. Go to C/C++ | Precompiled Header, and fill these in:

      • Precompiled Header : Create (/Yc)
      • Precompiled Header File : Globals.h
    5. Open Globals.cpp and add this one line in, and nothing more: #include "Globals.h"

    6. Right click your VC++ project and open Properties, choose Configuration > All configurations

    7. Go to C/C++ | Precompiled Header, and fill these in:

      • Precompiled Header : Use (/Yu)
      • Precompiled Header File : Globals.h
    8. Open all the .h and .cpp files in your project, and add this at the very top: #include "Globals.h". If you DONOT want to include every file manually, you can use the Force Include /FI[name].

    9. Open Globals.h and add the following in: (its very important you have #pragma once at the top)

        #pragma once
        #include <stdio.h>
        #include <stdlib.h>
        #include <stdarg.h>
        #include <stddef.h>
        #include <memory>
        #include <string.h>
        #include <limits.h>
        #include <float.h>
        #include <time.h>
        #include <ctype.h>
        #include <wchar.h>
        #include <wctype.h>
        #include <malloc.h>
        #include <locale.h>
        #include <math.h>
        // Windows SDK
        #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501     // _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP
        #include <SDKDDKVer.h>
        // Windows API
        #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
        #include <windows.h>
    1. Using find and replace, search for each of the #include's in your PCH file, and remove them from all the .h and .cpp files in your project.

    2. Do a full compile and ensure everything is working okay. Here are some solutions for common problems you'll encounter:

    PCH file includes itself:

    Your PCH file is including a header that includes the PCH header file again, creating a kind of circular dependency. Double click the error to take you to the offending file, and simply remove the line that says #include "Globals.h"

    Undefined symbol X

    Although all your project files can include the PCH header, the files included inside the PCH header cannot include the PCH header! (as stated above) so you'll need to add back any imports that were previously in the file. (diff the file with the backup version)

    Cannot find symbol logf

    Sometimes the global PCH file does not behave as expected, and breaks compiling with crazy errors that are impossible to solve. You can then turn off PCH for individual source code files.

    1. Right click your .cpp file and open Properties, choose Configuration > All configurations

    2. Go to C/C++ | Precompiled Header, and fill these in:

      • Precompiled Header : Not Using Precompiled Headers
    3. Remove the line #include "Globals.h" in your .cpp file

    4. Add back whatever imports the file originally had. (diff the file with the backup version)