
Check if template exists before rendering

is there a way to check if twig template exists before calling to render? A try catch block seems not to work, at least in dev environment, and plus, I prefer a check than the cost of an exception.

This class TwigEngine has an exists() method, but didn't find examples on use.


  • The service holding the twig engine if configured as default is 'templating'.

    Inside your Controller do the following:

    if ( $this->get('templating')->exists('AcmeDemoBundle:Foo:bar.html.twig') ) {
         // ...

    The alternative would be catching exception the render() method throws like this:

     try {
      } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         // your conditional code here.

    In a normal controller ...


    is only an alias for ...

    $this->container->get('templating')->renderResponse($view, $parameters, $response);

    ... while ...


    ... is an alias for


    Have a look at Symfony\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller.