I've started learning Python (python 3.3) and I was trying out the is
operator. I tried this:
>>> b = 'is it the space?'
>>> a = 'is it the space?'
>>> a is b
>>> c = 'isitthespace'
>>> d = 'isitthespace'
>>> c is d
>>> e = 'isitthespace?'
>>> f = 'isitthespace?'
>>> e is f
It seems like the space and the question mark make the is
behave differently. What's going on?
EDIT: I know I should be using ==
, I just wanted to know why is
behaves like this.
Warning: this answer is about the implementation details of a specific python interpreter. comparing strings with is
==bad idea.
Well, at least for cpython3.4/2.7.3, the answer is "no, it is not the whitespace". Not only the whitespace:
Two string literals will share memory if they are either alphanumeric or reside on the same block (file, function, class or single interpreter command)
An expression that evaluates to a string will result in an object that is identical to the one created using a string literal, if and only if it is created using constants and binary/unary operators, and the resulting string is shorter than 21 characters.
Single characters are unique.
Alphanumeric string literals always share memory:
>>> x='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
>>> y='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
>>> x is y
Non-alphanumeric string literals share memory if and only if they share the enclosing syntactic block:
>>> x='`!@#$%^&*() \][=-. >:"?<a'; y='`!@#$%^&*() \][=-. >:"?<a';
>>> z='`!@#$%^&*() \][=-. >:"?<a';
>>> x is y
>>> x is z
x='`!@#$%^&*() \][=-. >:"?<a';
y='`!@#$%^&*() \][=-. >:"?<a';
z=(lambda : '`!@#$%^&*() \][=-. >:"?<a')()
print(x is y)
print(x is z)
Output: True
and False
For simple binary operations, the compiler is doing very simple constant propagation (see peephole.c), but with strings it does so only if the resulting string is shorter than 21 charcters. If this is the case, the rules mentioned earlier are in force:
>>> 'a'*10+'a'*10 is 'a'*20
>>> 'a'*21 is 'a'*21
>>> 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' is 'aaaaaaaa' + 'aaaaaaaaaaaaa'
>>> t=2; 'a'*t is 'aa'
>>> 'a'.__add__('a') is 'aa'
>>> x='a' ; x+='a'; x is 'aa'
Single characters always share memory, of course:
>>> chr(0x20) is ' '