I'm developing under Linux/gcc
I currently use the following to get a stack trace on custom thrown exceptions. Demangled
functions names and line numbers
are as expected, but I would like to avoid the use of addr2line
to have a full control on the formatting of the output strings.
static void posix_print_stack_trace()
int i, trace_size = 0;
char **messages = (char **)NULL;
trace_size = backtrace(stack_traces, MAX_STACK_FRAMES);
messages = backtrace_symbols(stack_traces, trace_size);
for (i = 0; i < trace_size; ++i)
if (addr2line(program_invocation_name, stack_traces[i]) != 0)
printf(" error determining line # for: %s\n", messages[i]);
if (messages) { free(messages); }
static int addr2line(char const * const program_name, void const * const addr)
char addr2line_cmd[512] = {0};
sprintf(addr2line_cmd,"addr2line -C -f -p -i -e %.256s %p", program_name, addr);
return system(addr2line_cmd);
Note : The use of -f
for displaying the functions names in play in the stack trace and -C
to display them demangled.
Q : Does anyone could point me on a programmatic solution ?
(And if possibly give me some advices on how to get it working as well with MinGW/gcc
NB : Or may be simply using gdb
in some way could help in getting more customized output ?
Thanks for the help.
EDIT : It looks like for the windows part, it is doable that way : https://stackoverflow.com/a/6207030/1715716
EDIT : The above points to a Microsoft Visual only solution, so is finally useless to me.
You probably could use or adapt (at least on Linux, and systems using ELF and DWARF) the libbacktrace
by Ian Taylor, which is currently inside GCC source tree. See here; in principle it should be usable independently of GCC (provided you obey its BSD-like license).