
post data with yahoo pipes

I'd like to include a Wordle ( in my mashup. But wordles require the data to be sent over via post:

Is there any way to send data via POST using Yahoo Pipes?


  • Found a solution at last... Though I'm not sure pipes and I are friends any more.

    The pipe:

    The twitter search is straightforward, then using regex the tweets are concatenated into one long string.

    The string has a form tag appended - open before the data, then with the submit and close after.

    The regex is built up using a string builder.

    The result is placed into the title of the single item returned, so that the RSS' title contains the form we want to display. The end-user has to submit the form manually but with a little javascript and CSS sugar-coating that can be arranged.

    It's not a very good use of pipes though - in the end, pipes can very nicely do the search and arguably the concat. Then that should be consumed by another process that can produce a better looking form, or even better, directly show the wordle by loading the Java Applet.