I have a data.table with which I'd like to perform the same operation on certain columns. The names of these columns are given in a character vector. In this particular example, I'd like to multiply all of these columns by -1.
Some toy data and a vector specifying relevant columns:
dt <- data.table(a = 1:3, b = 1:3, d = 1:3)
cols <- c("a", "b")
Right now I'm doing it this way, looping over the character vector:
for (col in 1:length(cols)) {
dt[ , eval(parse(text = paste0(cols[col], ":=-1*", cols[col])))]
Is there a way to do this directly without the for loop?
This seems to work:
dt[ , (cols) := lapply(.SD, "*", -1), .SDcols = cols]
The result is
a b d
1: -1 -1 1
2: -2 -2 2
3: -3 -3 3
There are a few tricks here:
(cols) :=
, the result is assigned to the columns specified in cols
, instead of to some new variable named "cols"..SDcols
tells the call that we're only looking at those columns, and allows us to use .SD
, the S
ubset of the D
ata associated with those columns.lapply(.SD, ...)
operates on .SD
, which is a list of columns (like all data.frames and data.tables). lapply
returns a list, so in the end j
looks like cols := list(...)
.EDIT: Here's another way that is probably faster, as @Arun mentioned:
for (j in cols) set(dt, j = j, value = -dt[[j]])