
Cannot bind to TCP port 443 because it is in use by another process Virtual Machine Manager

i created a Template with my Virtual Machine Manager. ( SystemCenter 2012 SP1 ) I am trying to deploy this to my hyper-v host. After a wihle , the process is going to stop with an error:

Error (22042) The service (123) was not successfully deployed. Review the event log to determine the cause before you take corrective action.

Recommended Action The deployment can be restarted by retrying the job.

Error (12702) Cannot bind to TCP port 443 because it is in use by another process on the vmmanger.de.myserver.corp server.

Recommended Action Wait until the other process is completed, and then try the operation again.

Error (12702) Cannot bind to TCP port 443 because it is in use by another process on the vmmanger.de.myserver.corp server.

Recommended Action Wait until the other process is completed, and then try the operation again.


  • Do you have any other network applications running? You can check this with netstat on the command prompt. Port 443 is the default port for HTTPS servers, do you have one running on your computer? When you've found the process with netstat, end it and try this again - it should work afterwards.